Sustainability since the start
In the development of Sturekvarteret's vision and program, two key words were identified early on: Preserve and Revitalize. The preservation of the unique cultural and historical environment is crucial to the entire project and has played a central role since its inception.

The majority of the cultural-historical buildings in the quarter are preserved. We make sure that carpentry and tile stoves are taken down and preserved in their existing condition, as far as possible.

The oldest buildings in Sturekvarteret date back to the 1800s. The facade of Bångska palatset is being recreated using original drawings and photos. We are reconstructing all the details to restore its previous character. The same applies to Freys hyrvek, where the facade, window frames, and roof details are being recreated to make the building resemble the original.

We are reusing marble columns and marble floors from the Marble Hall. The floors and columns are stored and will find a new place in the quarter during the renovation. The wooden floors from the 1800s are also being sanded and treated before they are ready for the new tenants. The ambition is for these 125-year-old cultural treasures to endure for many more decades.

We cherish diversity and want to make sure that we create better inclusion in the society. One example is through our close collaboration with actors who work daily for an inclusive society.

Welcoming squares
We are building for people. The entrances of the new buildings are made accessible for those with varying abilities, and large, well-lit squares create a more spacious atmosphere. Inside the Art Nouveau building on Grev Turegatan, a courtyard with a carefully placed elevator is planned.
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